Crown Quality Products Inc.
We empower humanity through providing innovative, solution oriented grooming products that help build self esteem. Through ongoing research, quality craftsmanship and ingenuity we continue to raise the bar in the beauty industry. We aspire to transcend new heights, to inspire our customers to reach their greatest potential.
Our Leadership Team
Robert A. Watson, CEO Crown Quality Products, Inc.
Marcius Miller, Florida Distributor
Jeffrey Harrison, Co-owner
Henry Jordan, Texas Distributor
What Our Customers Say
Crown Quality Products LLC is an American hair care and grooming company that sells hairbrushes, hair oils, and other products in over 12 countries. Crown Quality Products is headquartered in Detroit, Michigan.
Crown Quality Products was founded by Robert A. Watson, a Detroit-based former barber, back in 2007. Robert created and advanced the contoured hairbrush, proposing that the hairbrush be curved like a person’s head to enhance the ability of the user to create (hair) “waves” specifically for the African diasporic hair type . This curvature allows more bristles to be in touch with the head at the same time.
Robert noticed while cutting hair that all the hairbrushes he could find and ones that were used by his clients were flat and did not do the best job for customers who wanted “waves” in their hair. He decided that he would design a hairbrush that contours to the head.
Robert began his design journey by crafting a prototype of the first hairbrush he had in mind using a 2x4 piece of wood he found in a field. It took several days to realize the design, from what he had in mind to the design to actuality. Next, he worked through a full day to insert bristles into one hairbrush.
Robert set about conducting market research around Detroit, to understand who might want to use the hairbrush he created. Robert then moved forward with the next challenge, determining how to manufacture the brushes for mass market consumption. He attended hair shows and other manufacturing-related industry events in China , then decided on a manufacturer and created the first line of hairbrushes, which were to be marketed in the United States.
Once the initial brushes were created, Robert began visiting barbershops and beauty salons in the Detroit area.[1] Robert and his colleagues decided to drive across the country to California and back, to introduce the products to more people.[2] And those efforts help to introduce the product to a wider audience, resulting in retailers across the country beginning to carry the CQP hairbrushes.
Local retailers in several states carry the product.
Crown Quality Product has received the following patents and copyrights for the hairbrushes that Robert Watson created:
1. King Brush, (Patent: D1028531S) 2. Palm Brush, (Patent: D9612721S) 3. Caesar 2.0, 360 Wave Brush (Patent: D903332S) 4. Crown 2.0, 360 Wave Brush (Patent: D903332S)
Copyright: 5. Palm Hairbrush, Handle Hairbrush (Originals) (Copyright: VA 1-1757-576)
Crown Quality Products manufactures and sells hair and beard brushes, hair and beard oils and pomade, velvet and satin durags, hairbrush bags, beard combs and hairbrush cleaners.
The first models are called Classic, and the second version are the 360 Sports Wave Brushes.
Crown Quality Products sells its items through its official website, [](, as well as select retailers and online platforms like Amazon. From Wikipedia:
Our History & Origins
“To my LORD and savior Jesus Christ be all the glory and honor”
-R.A.W 2012
I started out making brushes by hand in my barbershop and at home. I made the first brush out of a 2 x 4” that I found in a field and carved it out with a wood file. I always believed that there could be a better brush, especially for ethnic hair textures. It would take me 4 hours to just glue the bristles in, and a week to complete the carving of the brush. When I go to speak at schools, I always bring a 2 x 4” and show them that this is their dream, whatever their dream may be, it’s up to them to create it. After much effort, prayer, and persistence I was able to get the brush manufactured (with no investors, while attaining my degree in business finance).
I sold wave brushes at festivals, shows, out of my trunk, city to city, and from shop to shop. Two of my associates and I drove from Detroit to L.A. hitting the streets of every major city along the way. I told them I was not coming back until every brush was sold! This is how we attained many retailers, celebrity customers, and put our name out there as for the people. We would start in the roughest areas in the cities, and work our way out. One time on a trip selling in D.C., and Baltimore a friend of mine saw how rough the area was and told me he thinks we should bring the knife we used for cutting boxes; I told him we don’t need any weapon, because he’s with me, and I’m under the protection of the Lord. Did some people try us? Yes, I remember one time in Philadelphia these guys were drinking heavy, and were pretty buzzed, and seemed like they wanted to test us. I’m very intelligent when it comes to handling myself in the streets. I stepped very close to the leader with my head high in the air, to let him know, we’re not afraid; they had no choice but to respect us. We brushed kid’s hair on the sidewalks, prayed with some people, and gave some brushes away. We slept in the car, or in crappy motels. Doing this put our name in the streets, and gave us loyal retailers and customers. It took much blood, sweat and tears. You can have the best product in the world, but it’s all about doing what it takes to get it out there.
Now we have been doing very well; we were in the top 25% of All retailers on Amazon in sales during this past Holiday season (2012). We have just wrapped up our second year in business. We support our retailers, and make sure they sell well. I feel proud when I see someone with the Crown Quality Products Wave Brush in a car, or at someone’s home. I never say that I’m the owner, and inventor, but calmly smile inside.
My vision was, and still is to start people to thinking how they can come up with, and manufacture a product that can better help someone. As an black male, we are pretty much treated like the lowest guy on the totem pole, but we are powerful, creative, inventive, and compassionate. I strongly believe that our niche in this new global economy is creating new products, but also manufacturing, and distributing them. I could have sold my brushes to the existing beauty supply distributors, but they are not people of color, nor do they invest in our communities. This brush and company was intended to make a statement; that we can do for our self’s, and our people can be the ones that benefit.
Of course you will have people try to knock you off, or copy you out, but we our tried and true, with all dues paid. When another brush similar to ours came out, some people called me and were upset, I said this will only boost our sales, and soon as it came out our sales went up dramatically. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, and validation. In the European market we have a MVP Basketball player ready to market and blow up CQP in the EU! (He approached us). I’m very excited about this. We have some big things coming, new logos made by a auto supplier for BMW, Chevy, Chrysler and Cadillac that will never ware or fade (Same thing that is used on the cars). A new Du-rag that can’t be touched in its effectiveness, and two different designs of brushes. Dat boy will be premiering some in his new video.
I appreciate all our loyal customers, retailers, and advocates. Much love. Always keep God first
Robert Watson, C.E.O.
What did CQP invent and how did this effect the beauty industry?
CQP IS NOT JUST THE ORIGINATOR OF THE CURVED HAIRBRUSH, CQP IS THE ONLY 100% BLACK OWNED HAIRBRUSH MANUFACTURER IN THE WORLD!! CQP owner R.A. Watson invented the contour / curved hairbrush in 2008 ( this is documented by our copywrite, many testimonials, and the oldest Youtube videos where you will not see another curved brush for a few years later. CQP innovated, and revitalized the hairbrush industry. Before CQP hairbrushes, wave brushes sold in the urban market for $2 - $6 generally, CQP changed this by coming out with its revolutionary design that achieved better results much faster, selling brushes for $15 to $20 initially. “Everyone said I was crazy trying to sell a hairbrush for $20 in the urban / ethnic market.” Without CQP most off the new hairbrush companies you see would not exist, nor would the online waver market be as robust. “ When we started selling the contour brush waves were kind of going out as the popular style, but with our brush it totally re-energized and reinvigorated interest.” CQP not only was the first and creator of the contour brush but introduced and innovated many other things, such as: bigger wider brushes, longer bristles, fuller bristles, full color packaging, pictures of models with waves on the packaging, the first to show colored bristles, mixed bristles, the type synthetic of bristles we used ( they are not nylon ), created the terms medium-soft, medium-firm, extra soft, vivid different colored brushes ( not just the standard black, brown, light brown ), the way hairbrushes are photographed, the language used to describe a wave brush, wave instructions, making brushes out of real wood in the ethnic market, real wood grain, wave brush decals, Limited Edition brushes, result guarantees, using wavers to make YouTube videos, wave brush bags, wave brush kits, brush cleaners, ultra compression durag.…etc.. and much more. “We can honestly say that we developed and fathered what you see as the modern day wave brush industry. Not just our brush was copied but our whole sawg by the biggest to the smallest brands.”
Can I use a original wooden CQP brush in the shower?
We suggest that you do not use in the shower, nor boil your original CQP brush; this is because our brushes are made out of real wood which gives better results. Before CQP ALL brushes sold in the urban / ethnic market place were made out of pressed wood ( particle glued wood, such as pressed woods ). These brushes you could boil because of the glued nature. But real wood conducts and distributes presser better, but if it gets wet may do what wood does expand and crack. For the shower we have the Crown and Caesar 2.0 brushes made out of a material that will not break under the worst conditions, including water. We first began designing and developing our wet / dry brush in 2011 right after launching the Original Crown and Caesar 360gold brushes.
What brush is best for me?
If you have coarse to moderately coarse hair, start with our hard or medium brush. Our hard brush will straighten your hair like no other, these bristles are not common on the men’s hair brush market, and are NOT Nylon, nylon bristles do not work very well on ethnic hair. Our bristles are our trade secrete and what makes are brushes more effective than any other; these bristles have the most grip and pull, thus straightening the hair. Our medium brushes are mixed with some of these bristles and also boar bristles for the grip & pull, the boar bristles mixed in help lay the hair. Our medium-firm brushes also have mixed bristles so they are great for beginning stages as well. The rest of the bristle types are all boar, and all great daily groomers. If your hair is soft use begin with our medium-soft or soft brushes. If your hair is very soft we suggest our Cognac extra soft brush. For polishing your hair and giving it that finishing touch use our 2x soft Mohair brush. Our Mohair brush will shine and lay every loose hair strand like no other on the market.
What is the best brush to use in the shower?
When shower brushing you want a brush that will comb all the way through the hair to the scalp. We highly recommend using a Hard or Medium bristle 2.0 brush. The Hard bristle 2.0 brushes are entirely synthetic Flex Bristles, and the Medium 2.0 brushes are approx. 30% Flex bristles. Both of these brushes will comb all the way to the scalp, detangle and straighten your hair. We Do Not suggest using a Soft or Medium-Soft 100% boar bristle brush in the shower ( A Medium-Firm boar bristle brush is OK to use in the shower ). Softer boar bristle brushes will not give you the grip and pull needed to comb and detangle your hair in the shower. Also Boar bristles are hair, and when hair gets wet, and stays wet it will start to break down and even mold ( think of cleaning hair out of a sink that has been there for a while, it starts to turn to mush! ). When using the Medium or Medium-Firm brushes in the shower that have boar bristles mixed with flex bristles; let the brush dry out before using it again in the shower so it can air out and the bristles can go back to their firmer state.
What Du-rag is best for my hair?
Silky du-rags are ok but tend to still move and slide while wearing overnight. If you wear a satin durag, make sure to tie it tight before bed. Velvet durags look cool, and are comfortable, but in all actuality are not very good for compressing the hair, and making deep uniform waves. Also velvet durags do not allow the hair to breathe well, and create that deep wave look. Velvet durags are great for braids and also longer hairstyles. The best thing for compressing the hair in all honesty are good old fashion stocking caps; but stocking caps also move and if you twist it tight using a penny in the front it will leave a deep line on your forehead. Stocking material works well because it breathes and compresses. For a deeper wave look you want to use a stocking. As stated before the stocking does not stay in place well so what to do? For this reason we developed the Diamond Compression Du-rag, which is lined with a thin stocking material and its outer is a 2 way stretch ( 4 way stretch du-rags are horrible for waves ), this locks the durag in place and does not move during sleep. The Diamond Du-rag locks so well that even if it comes untied it may stay in place. All CQP designs are geared towards great results first and foremost. For this reason The Diamond Ultra Compression Du-rag took years to develop.
What makes CQP brushes the most effective brushes you can buy?
CQP brushes are designed to get the best results possible. ALL of our designs are original designs ( No Alibaba this way ); though the first design was not patented because of failure to file properly, all subsequent designs are patented. Our original design has become a standard in the hair brush / beauty industry. Our original design has been imitated and copied by both big and small companies, but never duplicated. The reason why is this: Passion. CQP’s owner was expelled from high school for fighting over someone putting food in his beloved hair brush ( True story ). “I always had a passion for waves and would brush my hair for hours in the mirror until my waves were perfect, it was addictive.” That same passion drove him later in life to design the greatest hairbrush to ever hit the market. Though there are many copies of our original version they do not perform the same. “I bought some of the competitors brushes to see first hand and my first reaction was.. is anyone getting waves using these?….I knew they knew nothing about ethnic hair”. When items are copied small details are lost in translation, and the copies are not as effective. Most of the top wavers you see online started off using CQP contour brushes, and after they obtained brilliant wave patterns were solicited to promote knock-offs. “I always wanted honest testimonies, so we never believed in paying someone to promote our products…I wanted Crown to be a symbol for integrity for my community.” Once knock-offs started to flood the market you saw less and less people with banging waves. This is because copies do not care for the results, they simply want the look to make some fast money riding CQP’s coat tail. Our brushes have the right trajectory of curve, the most effective woods and material, the most dense bristles, new to the market bristles, and our bristles are not just curved, but cupped to give the brush the suction that creates so much grip and pull. “…T and I would see a A list celebrity or professional sports star on TV and say, you can tell he’s using the brush by how his hair looks". This is because our brushes give the hair a pulled, laid, wide wave look ( what stylist would called whipped ), like the waves are dripping off of the head; someone doesn’t even have to wear a du-rag to achieve this with Crown brushes. A CQP customer reviewer from 2011 said it best… “10 strokes with a Crown brush is like 150 strokes with a generic brush.” To this day, no company has come out with a brush design that tops CQP’s.
What is the fastest way achieve your desired brush style?
It does not matter if you desire a short or long hair style the best way to achieve the hairstyle you desire is to start with well nourished, conditioned hair. Well treated, well conditioned hair is the building blocks of any beautiful, long lasting style. We suggest you use a mild shampoo, and mild conditioner twice a week. You can also use a natural conditioning method that consist of natural aloe vera juice and a couple drops of rosemary oil. You can also add a little of this mix ( palm full of aloe vera and a couple of drops of rosemary ) to your hair conditioner. This combination will leave your hair soft and manageable. You want your hair healthy and strong; the healthier your hair looks the better it will look in any style! When beginning this hair conditioning journey we suggest you do not use heavy pomades, and grease. Try to use a small amount of a all natural oil or pomade every day, or every other day as needed. You want your hair to breath and become naturally nourished and healthy. Also for healthy hair you can eat foods that are high in vitamin D ( many nuts and fruits ), bananas, and avocados are excellent for healthy hair also. For a all natural formula try our Beard Butter, or Beard Oil. Our new Pomade formula is not all natural and is best after your hair has been conditioned for a month or more.
How to best clean your CQP hairbrush?
Our original 360 Gold Wave Brush instructions from 2011: The 360 Gold Wave Brush ( now also known as CQP Originals or OG brushes ) is the hairbrush of choice for anyone desiring a well groomed look in far less time. It’s contoured shape allows more bristles to come in contact with your hair; resulting in natural, uniform waves. The 360 Gold gives you a soothing sensation as it massages your head, gently pulling your hair into place. After your first use you will see and feel the difference.
How To Properly use the 360 Gold Original Wave Brush
Read entire instructions before use.
To get fast results, begin with a low and even haircut.
Brush your hair in your desired direction: Starting out using straight and slow brush strokes. You will notice the 360 Gold’s curved design and extra long bristles gently pull and smooth your hair into place.
Brush your hair in the direction that your hair naturally grows. If you are not sure of the direction, brush in your desired direction.
Brush hair using long straight strokes. Keep a straight brush stroke; this creates a more uniform wave pattern.
Brush each section repeatedly multiple times. The more consistent you brush in the same direction, the more trained and uniform your waves will become. The 360 Gold covers a large area of your head, so it does not take very long. You can also use “Crown Supreme Pomade” to help condition & lock your wave pattern in place.
Let the hairbrush bristles do the work; do not try to press too hard. Allow the bristles to gently pull and snap your hair into place using long straight strokes. Try to brush your hair and not your scalp; the goal is to pull the hair, stretching it into a wave.
Lastly, tie your hair down using your “Crown Diamond Quilted Du-rag.” Wear overnight for best results.
See pictures that accompany these instructions above.
Crown Original Wooden Brush Maintenance:
Do not boil hairbrush in water. If bristles are too firm, rinse your hairbrush for 3 minutes, and dry. Bristles will soften over time.
Do not crush bristles.
Clean out debris regularly with our “Crown Brush Cleaner”. You also can use a dry brush cleaning solution found at most barber and beauty supply stores.
We do not recommend soaking your brush in water. Most brushes you may be used to from your local beauty supply were made of composite wood. Our brushes are made out of solid wood, this is why our brushes have a beautiful natural woodgrain. If you notice composite brushes have a painted on woodgrain effect. Real wood works a lot better, but in water they expand, and once dried, contract, this may cause your brush to crack or split. Use our “360 Sport Wet / Dry Brush” for your shower brush.
CQP 2.0 Wet/Dry Brushes Instructions & Maintenance
We pack a lot of bristles into each brush; this in part is what makes CQP brushes the most effective wave brushes on the market. Premium brushes may shed bristles with the first few uses. Bristles will stop shedding generally after the third diligent use.
For medium to hard bristle hairbrushes: If bristles are too firm at first, use the brush in the shower or run under hot water. After repeated use the bristles will soften.
Use “CQP Brush Cleaner” to remove lint, hair and other debris. Use a “CQP Brush Bag” to protect your brush from debris when not in use. You can also store your brush in our “Wooden Velvet Inlay Box” to protect it from air born particles.
The 360 Sport Crown & Caesar brushes are safe to use underwater, and do not crack, break or split for life.
The most time efficient way to achieve 360 waves is to start with a low and even haircut.
Brush your hair using long straight strokes. Keeping a straight brush stroke creates a more uniform wave pattern. For lightning fast results, use your medium to hard ( we suggest hard ) 360 sport brush in the shower under water; this will give you deeper wider waves.
Apply “CQP Deep Conditioning Hair Pomade” to your hair, then tie your hair down using the “CQP Diamond Ultra Compression Du-rag”. Wear overnight for best results.
The 360 Sport Crown and Caesar 2.0 hairbrushes are only slightly curved. Results have shown that it straightens, and stretches your hair more than our Original CQP brushes.
We do not suggest you boil your 360 sport wave brush. To clean, use a dry brush cleaner solution found at most barber and beauty supply stores. You can also run under scalding hot water, and clean out debris with your “CQP Brush Cleaner” utensil.
Yes, Our original brushes, and 2.0 brushes can be used on dry hair.
Yes, 360 wave brushes come in a variety of sizes. Our beard brushes are the smallest; our 2.0 brushes are a little larger, our Original brushes are the next largest, and our King brush is the largest 360 wave brush on the market.
Yes, CQP wave brushes reduce frizz, because they detangle your hair and our Original real wood brushes help to prevent frizz.
To choose the right CQP hair brush for your hair type, consider the following pointers:
Coarse to Moderately Coarse Hair: Use a hard or medium brush for better grip and faster straightening.
Soft Hair: Start with a medium-soft or soft brush for gentler styling.
· Bristles: Choose brushes with firm bristles for coarse hair and softer bristles for fine or soft hair.
For Polishing: Use a 2x soft Mohair brush to give a finishing touch and shine to your hair.
Hair Texture: Select mixed bristles for a combination of grip and smoothing, ideal for various hair types.
Yes, of course. Oftentimes CQP brushes are the brush of choice by stylist, and barbers.
The best type of durag for 360 waves is the Diamond Ultra Compression Du-rag. Designed with a stocking material lining and a 2-way stretch outer, it provides superior compression, keeping the hair in place overnight without shifting. This ensures deep, uniform waves while allowing the scalp to breathe for optimal wave formation.
Gallery of Original Hand Made
Crown Brushes
by RAW
First Brush
Detroit D Brush
Red Brush
King Brush
Eagle Brush
Black and White Brushes
360 Brush
“This brush is amazing best hard brush ive ever used” — J. Wlliams
“Great service” — R. Turner
Best brush I ever purchased. I tried Diane, Annie, and Wave Enforcer. This brush tops all of them by far. The brush literally contours your head, in other words it feels like your brushing with your hand. If you already perfected your pattern this brush will take that perfected pattern to another level and you will not be disappointed. This brush is for “all wavers!!” — M. Durant
“My son loves it greatest brush he ever used and it really does what it says.” — C. Ray
“The best wave brush ever!” — E. Gibbs
“10-50 strokes =200 to 300 strokes with the rest. This brush is taking over the game.. for all the ppl that say its not good or its just hype havent tried this product, once you take that 1st stroke you’ll know what am talking about you’ll never buy another brush again, unless its a CQP.” — T. Waiters
“Very nice brush worth every penny”. — T. Thomas










“Items were great. Saw instant improvement. Very Happy! ” — C. Christopher
“fast shipping ” — R. Evans
“The brush is the best soft brush ever. Thank crown quality ” — R. Cole, Jr.
“Great Seller!! Got the product on time and early!” — A. Akyaw
This is one of the greatest creations for black men’s hair … to get 360 waves!!! from Mr. Cobb in Jacksonville FL
Thank you for the fast shipping. from Kenneth
OMG…… this brush is wonderful!!!!! from Markis
The best wave brush on the market. Go buy this if you are looking to achieve nice waves that easy stay in place with far less effort!!! from Isaac
Arrived on time…This brush is off the chain. from Trazo
The delivery was very fast. I ordered on Friday I received the brushes on Monday! from Michael
A+ seller item arrived in timely fashion, from Bundy
Item as described, Great item, fast shipping only took 3 days awesome seller from Michael
Very fast shipping. from Dominique
Everything was good and im brushing everyday with my crown quality brush! from Rafael
Fantastic brushes from Vincent
I needed this brush and it was right on time for my fresh cut from Ronald
great brush!! It feels like a hard brush but it’s not really hard it just slightly under that. I love it it feels good in your hand. Feels like I’m just rubbing my head with my hand! from T. Green
Very happy with the service…got my brush in 3 business days. from KB
My waves are getting shiny and deep :))) ima stay locked on this page from Donnell
Cant wait to get my brush from Mr Jeter
Crown brushes do they thang. Getting ready to order that premium to see what that do. from Ian
My crown brush is off limits to my gal from Mr. Ivy
I just got 2 new crown brushes! The crimson soft & the blue medium! The tools needed to get the prefect storm! These brushes are great, from Mike
Loving this brush all I can say is wow. The other brush I have that I don’t no more is the wave enforcer is a #2 compared to this 360 gold I have the onyx black medium brush it’s perfect. from Mr Woods
I finally get my crown brush n today, the real waves gone b on deck soon from Eric
Shout Outs 2 the Crown Quality Products!! Took my waves 2 a whole NEW LEVEL!!!…..Respect from Quis
Much Respect and Love For the Crown Brush it gets the job done, no lie! from Patrick
Loving the brushes CQP!!!! Mr. Adjekum in New York, NY
I always underestimated the Crown soft brush until I purchased it, that brush really moves my hair and I have nappy hair, I was shocked good work from Rasheem
It’s wavers like myself that are out here tryna take their wave game to the next level and are anxious for the new shipment. Mr. Melton
The Best brush I ever used… now just saving up to get a caesar softy brush CQP, from Uthman
The medium has been so good to me i put my brother in law on it now he wants one from Ozell
TeamCQP even though I’m not signed to it, from Nicholas in Toronto, Ontario
If you guys out there are looking for the best brushes its hands down the 360 gold wave brush from Evan
6 weeks beastin! Spin Mode still on strong! from Marc
Becoming a waver is the best thing I’ve done this year besides getting married. I didn’t know how much went into getting and keeping waves until I started my journey. Although it’s a process that can take many months, it’s worth the hard work to have a decent hairstyle that shows your commitment to grooming and hygiene. from Mr. Simmons in Batesville AR
Just received my 360 gold ceaser medium brush!!!! i love it hair was laying down after the 1st try. I got better with results in a 5 minute brush session with the CQP than a 20 minute brush session with the Diane!!!!!! *thank you CQP 4 making these kinda brushes* I really appreciated! from Mr. Howard
Just finish my 4-5 week wolf session! CQP got my Three Sixties spinning!!! Looking like Race a track on my head!! Even my barber wuz like “Dang son ya waves spinning”!! from Zed
Just received my medium, and soft caesar. great shipping…from Mr. Fowler
Ima be the next one on the team…I’m claimin it lol #teamCQP from Antonio
These brushes are amazing. Thank yall from Shaquan
Working hard on that flo………….can’t wait for that CQP BRUSH!!!!! from Mr. Smith
Just got done unboxing my new and first crown medium royal blue it felt good now I am finally apart of CQP FAM from Ramone in Memphis, TN
Been usin my Royal blue medium for 2 days and already see a difference on my right problem side. from Miles
If u trying to get waves then get the crown brushes, best on the market…$15 20 is not alot of money!!! So if u want quality then that’s the price you pay CQP stand up!!! from Charles
Brush is here wooooooooooooooooooow!! from Tyheen
Thank you CQP for the make of these brushes. Elite waver status on the way! from Jarron in NC
Just ordered my blue medium, can’t wait for that bad boy, from Da Real in Cali
My medium crown came in today! oh yeah its put in work time while its raining!! from Claudy
Fast service everytime I order a brush from yall it comes in three days, thats three in row just ordered the premium too CQP all day everyday!! from David
Royal blue medium came! Im loving this brush. Gonna get that hard one next. from Devonte
I cant put no other brush in my hair besides my crown brush from Mr. Walwyn
Caesar brushes are really good, CQP is a Great company from Chris
By the way I already own two CQP brushes and I’m very satisfied with both. Keep up the good work. from Vincent
Apply, brush, and believe…faith without works is dead, put in the work and time and brushing and don’t let nobody tell you that you can’t get waves. from Jamal
Upcoming Hip-hop artist outta Utah Spinnin In his PhotoShoots!!! S/O To CQP!!!! Red Soft+Burgundy Brush+Onyx Hard brush from Dijoun
360 waves, 360 gold brush, organic hair products from Kwamane
Brushing will get you results like this. Thanks crown family. Mr. Mace
Whats going on CQP, I just got my brush in the mail yesterday and to keep it real with you I will never by another brush from any where else because CQP is my new home, add me to the family thanks CQP!!! from James
I can see my joints now, from Mr. Smith
Just got it in da mail …….. And its well worth the wait gotta get the hard brush next. from Mr. WipeMeDown
Just got it friday worKed wonders….the onyx medium black caesar brush, from Deon
I’ve been brushing for three days straight this is going 2 be epic….#CQP from Mr. Mayes-Boles
Just got my first CQP in the mail Onyx nice from Chris
This is what the CQP Brushes are doing for the ladies. S/O to Rob and his staff, LaKisha, Dat Boy, Enrique, Young Wavy and all the rest of the fellas that take the time out to encourage and include the women. Enjoy!! from Trevelyn
Headed out of town for a few days, gotta take my Kit of Products lol..all my crown brushes is a must, got my shea moisture moisturizer and the shampoo, A waver must be prepared with proper tools in his/her arsenal at all times!! from Mark
S/O To CQP for keeping me in Tsunami Mode!! from Da Allstar
Gave my friend one of my 2 medium brushes he wanted to start waving again. He told me ” that brush is a beast . You don’t need to much to get them waves start coming ” from Monty
Crown Quality Brush really work. Just keep on brushing and your waves will come. from Jason
Item arrived as described with super fast shipping. Thank you. from Kenneth
Good products and quality from Cain
This is a great brush if you are trying to get waves, been using it for a week now and have been seeing nothing but good waves, it help with the back of my head witch i was having no luck with getting the waves to form.. i would recommend this to anyone who is trying to get some nice waves from Tony
Excellent product. I recommend anyone trying to get 360 waves to purchase these brushes. Started seeing results within 3 days of use. from Alexander
Great product from Edward
“I purchased a mid/soft caesar brush and received it about a week ago. I felt like a kid on Christmas. I love this brush. Thanks to the CQP family for all the advice and help.” from Mike
“Ever since I got my Crown brushes, I have to force myself to stop brushing my hair once I start. I love these brushes”. from Amy
“Thank you for this creation.” from Lionel
“Wow.. is all i can say about this brush, I took it to school and everyone was like this brush is amazing especially how it contours to the head.” from James
“Just got my premium burgundy brush today, this brush is the truth CQP for life.” from Christopher
‘Love these crown brushes, if they sold these at the mall, people would probably fight over these brushes like they do over Jordan releases.” from Alex
‘The feel of these brush on your head makes it almost impossible to stop brushing!!” from Steven
“I thought the price was way to high, until I used the brush…my opinion changed quickly.” from Lamar
“Got the med and soft today, best brushes I ever owned in my life thanks CQP.” from Jason
“My medium came in the mail yesterday & I’m glad I found out about these great brushes!” from Lamar
“Having a new crown brush is like having a new car.” from Mr Saunders
“CQP I support y’all 1000%, I’m a firm believer in your products”. From Braylan in Virginia
“Yo, just looked in the mirror and noticed just since Saturday when my crowns came in that my left side is startin to spin finally. Stay up crown fam. Yes Sir!!” from Kardale
“FOR PEOPLE WEARING GLASSES. The Crown with handle is the BEST brush u can use cause u won’t have to take ur glasses off when brushing those sides- its a huuuuge advantage to me.” from Mr. Diagana
“Just got my premium Caesar, this brush is just right not too hard and not to soft it smooths the hair down well.” from Kenneth
“Just got my Onyx medium brush this weekend. Brought my waves back to life.” from Jordan
“Received my Premium & Blue Ceaser today & it was 7 days just like you guys said. I’m pleased with my purchase & delivery & I will continue to support CQP.” from Max in New Jersey
“Wow, my Diane brushes have now been demoted to a shower brush, Crown brushes are the real deal!!” from Kaymen
“Got my caesar medium and premium in today! very pleased!” Mark in Arkansas
“Thx CQP, I ordered my brush off Amazon, shipping was on time and my waves are forming like never before.” Elliott
“Got my brush today. Haven’t used it yet, but I will say, it’s a sexy looking brush, and the bristles do feel different compared to other brushes.” from Louis in Massachusetts
“These brushes I got from y’all is the truth. I know its the brush because it took me and my son less than a month to start spinning. So big ups to crown brushes. I’m with y’all as long as I’m still waving.” from David in Ohio
“I am in there Now! I got the Premium Burgandy and the Blue Medium Caesar Brushes! 1 word describes it all…IMMACULATE!” from Mr. Boles in California
‘A KING must be crowned… a brush above the the rest!!” from Junior in Canada
“My anticipation of these brushes was beyond measure, and they lived up to it.” from Howard
“Once you go Crown, your going to put those other brushes down.” from Rodney
“Simply amazing.” from Jonathan
“I’m with the crown fam one use change everything.” from Trey
“I just got my Crown Quality Premium Cesar 360 Gold Wave Brush & as soon as I touched it to my head I fell in love. It felt like Halle Berry was slowly caressing my head 4real! Thats what I think I will call my brush Halle Berry.” Mr. Smith
“Just got my brush in the mail today,tried it out and the reviews was right. It’s a lot more brush compared to the old Diane 8119, and I like the way it curves to your head.” from Teril in Michigan
‘I think i’ve finally figured out why my waves look different after buying the brush. The crown brushes stretched my curls out more than any other brush.” from Cornelius
‘These are some sexy brushes, cant believe I used the word “sexy” about a brush lol.” from Marcus
“Just got my brush. Lovin this brush thank folks.” from Corie in Virginia
Brushes are truly amazing coming from an “elite waver” I don’t even want to pick up My diane. Will definitely be ordering more brushes. from Nicholas in Canada
“I pre ordered my brush, the wait took a while, I almost canceled my order…that would have been a major mistake, these brushes are amazing.” from Terrance
“It shipped fast its just what I wanted.” from Brian
“Can give you waves quick.” from Timothy
“Outstanding products. The best brushes for any hair care grooming period. I went from buying single brushes to buy single cases. That should say enough.” from Heavy H.
“Best softy brush ever made!!!! “from Brandon
“Great product & it arrived on time!!” from Earl P.
“Love it!!” from Carlos C.
“Thank you CQP my waves are finally getting to level I want them to be all wavers keep doing ya thing and stay wavy.” from Produs
“Id like to send a shout out to CQP…Im up to six brushes and they are the truth.” from Christopher
“Gotta get one ASAP if u tryin 2 get all the way in the 360 WaveGame!” from Quis
“Love them!!” from Gee
“Just almost had a heart attack…thought I lost my red bone…(soft ceaser)…but I found it…now I’m working to better my connections.” from Terell
“I LOVE my CQP brush, im getting a couple more most definitely.” from Prozay
“This is a very good product, i just received my brush in the mail today. I like the way it curves to the head…this product was longer overdue!!” from Mr. Gates
“My brush came with instructions, genius…even says you can get waves in your beard…I believe it.” from Jarred
“I have been using the medium since it arrived, and it is all that you say it is. My scalp loves it, and I get compliments everywhere I go these days. Your brushes are well worth the investment in keeping this hairstyle…..Blessings and keep doing what you do. I am very honored and proud to know you and use your product”. Ms. T.D. Lee
“…Keep up the good work and the quick responses, your a leading figure in the black community.”